update-engines.ps1 task hangs, require  user input for file replacement

Im running script update-engines.ps1, it never complete successfully.  It comply  successfully only first time.

If I run it manually, it require  conformation on file replacement.

I modify line :

Copy-Item $manifestPath -Destination $fullPkgDir -Force -Confirm:$false

And under function

New-Item -type Directory $path -force -Confirm:$false


It wont to confirm Copy and replace .flowing files : nvcmacros.def.cab, nvcincr.def.cab, etc

Location of script : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2292741

Problem is : $destination.CopyHere($source.item($i), $flags)

I have try to set flags : 4,10,16,20 and it did  not help.

  • Edited by MaliStane Friday, April 24, 2015 2:24 PM find error
April 24th, 2015 10:53am

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